20 May 2012

I wanna grow something unruly

Remembering 9 months ago.

I'm not a Nashville fan, but this song went straight to my heart. Darling and I liked it so much we had it on our wedding last year.

13 May 2012

Etsy finds

Charming things I came across while surfing Etsy today...

Brilliant idea which would make me chuckle every morning, if I had one. KnotWorkshop.

Monty Python is always right. YellowBugBoutique.

Ah yes, Doctor Who for your Kindle. bowlerhatbudgie.

05 May 2012

No brand

I have been tinkering some more, thinking I should perhaps design a laptop sleeve as well when I get the skin. It could of course be used as a skin too.

This is a classic graphic design from a co-op grocery store chain, Konsum, and it's called blue-white (blåvitt in Swedish).  The font is (and was) Futura and colour is RGB 0 0 64, background white. Back in the days this was the symbol of no brand food in Sweden, decent and inexpensive. These days it's sadly gone.

04 May 2012

Dave, my mind is going.

Got to have a laptop skin. I didn't find any that I liked so I decided to make my own.

Yes, I'm a geek. A sci fi geek.

03 May 2012

New love of my life

Been absent again. I've got a new job and it kind of drains my energy and most of my time. On the other hand I have a brand new computer, a little 13.3" laptop, so I expect getting more written now when I can bring it with me everywhere.

I have couple of headaches though. I really need something to protect it with, a case of some sort. Problem is, most that I have found are... boring. Oh, I know it's just supposed to protect the laptop, but I want more than just function.

A nerdy case reminding everyone of ye olden days (and the media companies outcry to ban these devises to protect the copyright) would be cool. Unfortunately rumours has it that this one is a bit large for slim 13.3" laptops, so I don't think this is the one.

Another reminder of days gone by.This has to be a DIY project since the original designer no longer is selling it on Etsy.

I would probably forget my computer somewhere if I had it stuffed in a case looking like this, but I like it nevertheless.

It has won design prices, this Redmaloo felt case, but it's thoroughly impractical. With a few minor changes to it it'd become the perfect and most practical case anyone has ever seen. Go here for one solution. I think I'll have to DIY a case so I'll get what I want. I'm thinking pacman perhaps?