26 March 2012

Worn and homely

The natural cause when you get past the super minimalist home decoration style (you know, you have kids and a significant other who simply doesn't work with the concept 1 spork, 1 cushion, 1 bowl) is to head in the general direction of industrial. Cosy industrial I might add. If you can't have a perfect void of things, then don't try any half-measures.

I don't remember where I got these (well Google obviously, but I don't recall the sites) but it's the home of some designer in the USA, that much I know. Oh I know, concrete is such an evil material ecologically, but I love it. I really do.

25 March 2012

Nerd de luxe

Googled key rings and found these images below.

And then there's By:AMT. Love this ring.

24 March 2012

It's attacking from everywhere right now

I'm not entirely enjoying the comeback of the 80's myself.

15 March 2012

Floats my boat

It's not the furniture, because you don't need fancy Eames to make this flat work. It's the pipes, the walls, the garage feel that I love. Guzman penthouse in New York by LOT-EK Architecture.

05 March 2012


New album coming soon. I'm going to the release party. Won't miss this one. Linky linky.